Visionaries Podcast

Getting Started as an Infopreneur Featuring Bailey Richert

Bailey Richert

You don’t need to invent the next Amazon to become a millionaire, just ask Bailey Richert. Getting started as an Infopreneur is about using your knowledge, passions and life experiences to create products and services that give value and generate income.

Award-winning business coach, Bailey Richert is unveiling her timeline of entrepreneurial success in this Visionaries episode. What started off as a self-motivating hustle quickly turned into a career filled with passion, the need for helping others and growth.

After giving an amazing presentation at ClickFunnels LIVE, Bailey wanted to ride the success train and stay top of mind. Bailey is a great writer and decided to repurpose her blog to the ClickFunnels Facebook group. She soon became admired for her thought provoking and value-added posts that many started following in her footsteps. Nothing comes easy, but when you are passionate about helping others you will always find success. 

“If you want to make an impact on the world on a large scale, that's great. But I don't want to see that fire get snuffed out because you start to realize it's actually really difficult.” - Bailey Richert 

Bailey shares some realistic expectations when starting out as an infopreneur, how you can influence others and the benefits of sharing knowledge. 

“I think that the secret to lifestyle freedom is actually found in a schedule.” - Bailey Richert

#businesscoach #infoproducts #infoservices #visionaries #clickfunnels


Bailey Richert is an award-winning business coach who helps infopreneurs grow their businesses with simple yet effective online strategies.


Throughout her career, she has educated hundreds of thousands of infopreneurs through her free content and sold millions of dollars worth of her own info-products. She has earned a ClickFunnels 2-Comma Club Award, been featured in major media outlets around the world like HuffPost and Forbes and has spoken on stage at industry-leading events like TEDx and FunnelHacking Live.

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Today's Guest

Bailey Richert


Bailey ( 00:00 ):

So lifestyle freedom, isn't just waking up every day and not knowing what you're going to do with your

day or not, you know, being free to just putz around the house. Yeah. Okay. Sure. Those days are fine

every once in a while for your day off. But if every day were like that and I've had periods of highlights

that have been like that. So I know you start to feel really aimless like you were addressing earlier, you

know, you don't have that meaning and you're not really working towards something. Right?

Dallin ( 00:25 ):

Welcome to visionaries where we believe having a positive vision for the future and actually sharing it is

the best way to build a brand, grow authority and live a meaningful life. The show will explore different

stories and strategies of the most visionary people today and what they're doing to inspire and change

the world.

Dallin ( 00:45 ):

Bailey. How are you?

Bailey ( 00:46 ):

I'm doing very well. Thanks for having me today.

Dallin ( 00:49 ):

Yeah, of course. You know, you're someone who really inspires me. I was so excited to reach out, you

know, to have you on the podcast, you know, for those who say they step in the elevator, will the typical

elevator pitch, how would you introduce yourself and like 60 seconds?

Bailey ( 01:07 ):

Sure. So my name is Bailey Richard, and I'm a business coach for infopreneurs, which means that I work

with anybody creating or selling info products and services as well. So we're talking authors and course

creators as well as coaches and speakers on basically, you know, using their life experience, knowledge

and passion. And it's kind of interesting because I've actually shifted my business recently towards more

people that are trying to grow their business. So I used to kind of focus on both niches. So people

looking to launch and grow, and now I'm really focused more on people that have an infopreneur

business. Doesn't have to be big, you know, could just be making a couple hundred bucks a month or a

couple thousand, you know, and helping them grow their businesses with online strategies that are

effective and actually work, not just telling people, Oh, spend $10,000 on ads and you'll make it, but

actually looking at strategies that work .

Dallin ( 01:55 ):

Specific tangible stuff. And I mean, you're living proof too, and we'll get more into that one thing that

started like high level hence the name Visionaries. You are one. Is your intention behind what you're

doing, your business, your life. How would you describe yourself as far as the vision you do have and

what you're looking to accomplish, what creates? Yeah.

Bailey ( 02:17 ):

So I think if I'm being completely honest with you, a lot of the reasons why I started my business were

self motivated my vision for my own life. Right. So I think it's really wonderful and I admire people that

are able to say, well, my vision is I want to change the world and that's amazing, but I, but yeah, that'd

be go them. But I think honestly for me you know, some people who might know how I got started, I

was actually an environmental engineer. I went to college for engineering and I was working as an

environmental engineer when at the age of 25, I had a quarter life crisis and basically just said, I don't

think I want to do this anymore. I think I want more for my own life. I would like to travel more and see

my family more. And I think I could be getting paid more.

Bailey ( 02:57 ):

And that's what really started my into online business. Now, you know, my journey has not been a

straight line. We all wish it was right. I started off as an infopreneur though. I didn't know that's what it

was. You know, I called myself that now, but I was actually in the travel niche. So I, I love traveling. I love

international traveling and I've been doing it for a long time and people kind of always knew me as the

travel person. Right. So when we talk about starting your business, we often say, well, like what's

something people, you know, associated with you where you're the go to person. And for me that was

travel. So I began by writing books and I guess having a travel blog really is a good way to put it. And,

and that's kinda how I got my start.

Bailey ( 03:38 ):

And I did that for several years and eventually left my nine to five, went back to school for a while. And

in 2015 I made the decision to switch over and start my coaching business. And at that time I wasn't fully

transitioned over it. Wasn't like, okay, I'm just going to completely switch one day for a while. There I

was, I was actually kind of running two things. And so the coaching business started to grow to a point

where I said, okay, now I really can't manage both of these. And I have to kind of make a choice. So I

decided that I wanted to completely and fully brand myself as a coach for infopreneurs. And that

honestly, that was never part of the plan. That was just something that kind of came out of a need in the

market. You know, I just had so many people, both, you know, friends and acquaintances, but then

strangers on the internet saying, how did you publish those books?

Bailey ( 04:25 ):

And how are you getting those speaking gigs at this college? And how are you doing that? And so I

started sharing my knowledge about all that stuff online and then was able to really formulate that into

a solid personal brand. And so when I look at the vision for my business still to this day, it is largely

dictated by my desired lifestyle. So I'm still a huge international traveler. Last year, I went to Columbia

earlier this year before the whole COVID thing happened. I was in New Zealand. And now when the

restrictions they're starting to lift, I have a trip planned to glacier national park later this year. So that's

still something that is, is really important to me. And one of the things that I love about having an online

business is it allows me to live that vision for my life, with this lifestyle freedom.

Bailey ( 05:12 ):

Sometimes I get annoyed when people use that term, because I think that, you know, we, we envision,

you know, people that are just on a beach in Bali or something, you know, with their laptops. And that's

not what it's like at all, when you travel and work and you try to maintain that kind of lifestyle. So it's,

yeah, it's, it's so much different than what than what people think it is. But if it does allow me that

freedom and flexibility though, to be able to go someplace for more than a week at a time, not having to

request the time off or, you know, having, I know this is a really big challenge. Cause when I used to live

in California, my entire family was on in Pittsburgh on the East coast. And I know, you know, when you

only get two, maybe three weeks of time off a year and you feel like, well, I have to use a week and a

half to see my family and if I'm married or something, I need to use another week to see their family,

you know, when do you actually have any time to take a vacation or anything like that?

Bailey ( 06:03 ):

And so that's, you know, a lot of my decisions in this kind of path in my life so far have been kind of

dictated by my desired lifestyle choices.

Dallin ( 06:13 ):

I love that, you know, and it's, it's something that you know, a generation ago wasn't even possible

obviously internets set up many different types of opportunities. But I mean, I just I've thought about it

many times, you know, I don't know if you've ever talked to people and were like, what if you could live

in any time period, you know, what time period would you live in? And it's fascinating to think about

that. Cause we, we live through usually through photos or historical stories right. Of different time

periods, but the opportunities we have today, especially during, you know, we're recording this

hopefully towards the tail end of this pandemic and other big national and world events. Right. And

what has cause to have happen is people our first go virtual and go online even more, which you already

have an online business. You know, it's not that we could anticipate what's going on right now, but you

know, it's, it's that unique opportunity to be set up to with business of the future?

Bailey ( 07:14 ):

Oh, definitely. I was, I was thinking about how grateful I was when this whole thing did start to kind of

really settle in and you know, we were quarantined at home and you know, all of these people are being

laid off and that's so incredibly unfortunate and my heart breaks for them. But I was also thinking like,

wow, I feel so grateful and lucky that, you know, I, I, I th I did have foresight. I don't want to say that,

like, I didn't know this was ever going to happen, but then I made these transitions years ago. And so

that now that we're starting to move towards this in the world and you know, we're having these issues,

you know, my, my ultimate, you know, the past couple months of my life, haven't been that different,

right. I am in control of my own income. I wasn't laid off. I work from home, you know, that sort of stuff.

And I do feel very, very grateful for that. And I don't take that for granted.

Dallin ( 08:00 ):

Yeah, for sure. You know, and something comments go that really stuck out to me too. Apart from the

lifestyle freedom that you're looking to achieve is the idea that when we go to the initial vision of many

of our businesses, especially those who heart launching them themselves versus joining one is we're

motivated. We're motivated by selfish reasons. And I think it's something that we do need to be aware

of and, and I'm conscious of where some people think that Oh yeah. My first reason was to change the

world. Well, oftentimes you can't change the world unless you change yourself first. And I think that's a

fascinating way to approach building a vision for your life, for your life and business is too allow yourself

to be a little bit selfish first. Cause then you can serve more people by, you know, solving what, whether

it's like and word stuff, and then reaching out to others, you know, as you can grow your business and

have the financial benefits, the lifestyle benefits, and then, what you're doing right as a coach and

consultant, you're able to then help others achieve similar results to what you have.

Bailey ( 09:11 ):

Yeah. Well, I think it's just one of the things I just worry about is that, you know, when people say, I want

to change the world on my first day in business, they don't know what they don't know yet. And they

don't realize how difficult it actually is to build a following, to get a client, to make a sale, to impact

anybody, let alone the world, you know? And so I think sometimes I just want people to have realistic

expectations so that they don't get discouraged, you know, after having been in this business, you know,

for five, six, 10 years, and you still only have a following of 10 or 20,000 people, that's not insignificant.

It's not exactly the world either. You know, sometimes our progress is a little bit slower than we'd like,

and you know, it was Teddy Roosevelt said that, you know, comparison is the thief of joy, right? So we

often will look at other people, you know, who just have these amazing followings and they're doing all

these world changing things that we look at ourselves and we say, well, why am I not there yet? It's

hard. You know, it's really hard. So I just want people to recognize that it's awesome. If you want to

make an impact on the world on a large scale, that's great. But I don't want to see that fire, you know,

get snuffed out because you start to realize it's actually really difficult.

Dallin ( 10:25 ):

Yeah. It is. You know, and I think the definition of like what lifestyle freedom looks like or success right in

life and business is a fascinating thing to me. Cause I, so both my grandparents actually passed away and

I'll have six months, that's going to reflect on like a personal level of like what, you know, what's

meaningful in my life. Like, what am I focusing on? And I realized, although both these men like had no

online presence right. And built the business really from the ground up, you know, by my my grandpa

need on my dad's side, had an eight grade education. He was a tugboat captain for years. His influence

of division. He had, you know, he ran like a hotsprings. So he really had to work to the bone get no sleep

for his whole career and the depth he went into for his desire for influence to his family and those

around him versus the width.

Dallin ( 11:27 ):

Like how can I spread it to millions of people and change the world that way, versus the depth of like,

maybe I can change hundreds of people versus thousands or millions. To me, I recognize visionaries and,

and even, you know, influencers in the way of like making a true influence in, in, you know, the people

who seemingly are the nobodies to the world of social media and immediately just meeting in general.

So that's a fascinating way to, like, what you're saying is you can really break down this idea that it's, you

know, there's, there's more depth you should focus on versus a width.

Bailey ( 12:08 ):

Yeah. And you know, what's so interesting about the point you just brought up is when I think about

influencers, when I have seen those that have kind of started small and then I've seen them kind of get

really large. I mean, we can even take a look at like Gary V or somebody, right. The con the quality of the

content changes. I don't mean to say that it's, you know, it gets worse as they get bigger, but do you

ever notice how sometimes it's more surface level? You know, that like, to me, you know, Gary V

teaches it, just using him as an example, nothing against him, but just, I feel like now he's so big. He just

talks about like motivation and like get out there and just do something, get that business started. You

wouldn't go to him to like, learn how to use ClickFunnels. You wouldn't go to him to like, learn how to,

you know, this particular strategy. It's like very high level, you know? And usually whenever your, your

influences a little bit smaller, or, you know, your, your circles, little smaller and you're more focused,

you can kind of get deeper in the types of content you teach and things like that. Do you think that's


Dallin ( 13:06 ):

Yeah. You know, I think it is, you know, I think it may not be for everyone when you get to bigger level,

but I mean, he does, I think he has used the term depth and width as well. Gary V. But but that's the

fascinating thing that I think, you know, you've talked about your, your growth as well, as far as like

you've done one-to-one, which causes you to go deeper with some people. And now you're focusing on

and if I'm getting this correct, like you're, you're looking to focus more on or people, right?

Bailey ( 13:38 ):

Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. I mean, it's just, it's sort of like just an inevitability of what happens as you sort of

grow, you know, you just, you can't, I mean, yeah. You just have to, yeah,

Dallin ( 13:47 ):

Yeah, yeah. No, I think it's, I think it's very fascinating and I think okay. You know, it's, I think it's

recognizing what kind of person you want to become in some ways, but by the end of it where I think a

lot of us to Stripe to have that fame, you know, that recognition, cause it is really part of like our bean as

far as the desire to have belonging connection. You know, and it's not too, I'm going to take it off of this

quick tangent real fast. So I was watching this workshop recently and it was fascinating because it talked

about building a life plan. Mmm. This idea that Mmm. Meaning that when someone lacks a meeting in

their life or what they're looking to build and do, whether it's, you know, a business, it all kind of


Dallin ( 14:36 ):

Then pleasures to gain, or I don't, this kicks kicks in. And that usually is what leads to addiction or

choices that Mmm. Don't help you become the person you, they want to be. You know? So like a lack of

meaning creates a lack of focus and a lack of like drive to actually build what you want to build. And so I

think to identify like what, where that meaning lies and, and, you know, for some like you, right.

Lifestyle freedom is massive. I mean yeah. Who doesn't want freedom in their life. And so I want to get

into something a little more granular, cause we did talk about that. You talked about like Gary V. High

level you go deep as far as strategy and actual tangible actions people take. Mmm. I kind of want to

approach it from a way of on, on Facebook and across everywhere that's you're providing value. You,

you broke up kind of you were different in what you did and you started sharing. I like long form posts,

lots of value, basically giving away secrets or lots of so much value that people are like, Bailey. Like how

can I pay you? It's so much value. So tell me more about not necessarily how you did it, but your

intention, your why behind doing that?

Bailey ( 15:57 ):

Yeah. So basically back in 2019 I was invited to be a speaker at funnel hacking live at ClickFunnels annual

marketing event. And when I got home from doing that event I was kind of busy for the first couple of

months because I had gotten a lot of clients from that conference, which was really fantastic. But then

after a few months as those clients started to wane, I was really just starting to think, you know, how

can I possibly keep this fire going? You know, now one of the things that I learned from doing the

summits projects with Russell Brunson that got me, the speaking opportunity at funnel hacking live was I

didn't realize how not well known. I was, you know, I had been building my business steadily for years

and started to feel like I was gaining traction in the industry a little bit.

Bailey ( 16:50 ):

And then when I did those projects with Russell, I started to realize, wow, actually nobody knows who I

am. So when I finished doing the speaking opportunity, then I wanted to keep that going. You know,

how can I keep up this level of, you know appreciation for the content that I'm putting out? How can I

get people to keep knowing who I am? How do I stay top of mind? And one of the assets that I had in my

business was my blog. I had spent four or five years writing articles for my blog and, and it's still to this

day, one of my primary traffic sources, but I just knew that I wasn't getting as many eyeballs on them as

I could. It wasn't like I was getting a thousand hits a day on an article or something. And I thought, well,

why don't I repurpose some of this? And so that's, that was really simple yet. So for the first couple of

weeks months, maybe when I started posting all of the long form content in the ClickFunnels group,

those were actually my blog posts. They were, yeah, they were actually,

Dallin ( 17:53 ):

So you were practicing writing those posts versus like I'm going to start something so brand new. I

already kind of the habit. Okay.

Bailey ( 18:01 ):

Yeah. It was not totally brand new. It was already a habit. Writing is already a strength of mine. So I

knew that's an area in which I could succeed. Video is not a strength of mine. I appreciate people that do

video, but it takes me forever because I'm such a perfectionist. The thing I like about writing is that if I

find a mistake or I want to go back and change something, or even just update the links in it or

something, I can do that in a second. And so, yeah, so I had already had this entire collection of articles. I

mean, well, over a hundred articles, maybe more that I had written over years. And so all I did was I

copied and pasted them into the Facebook group. And I, before I hit post, I would reread them and

maybe tweak some stuff.

Bailey ( 18:40 ):

I had to take out a link or, you know, I would say this blog post, I would change it to this Facebook post,

right. To make it better for Facebook. Sometimes I had to shorten them a little bit, but that's where I

started. I said, well, I think there's a lot of value here. And people really appreciate this. So rather than

waiting for people to come to me, to my blog, I'm going to take it to them. And so that's what I just

started doing. And eventually I did run out of posts. And so I had to, you know, it forced me to write

even more because now there was this expectation that I was going to keep delivering all these amazing

value posts. And luckily I did have a list of articles, you know, that I was, I'm going to write one day that I

then started digging into. So I had a backlog of ideas to kind of tap into, which was really nice. But that's

basically how it all kind of started.

Dallin ( 19:28 ):

Yeah. I love that. You know, and something we talked about earlier, I think before we hit record, is it

kind of sparked some I have a trend, right. Other people started doing a similar style of posts trying to

share value. Mmm. Yeah. Where imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. And so a lot of, a lot of

imitators, which is good, right? Like it's not like they're copying that, your stuff, maybe their style,

hopefully, hopefully not. Mmm. But what what kind of results? Like it was a pitch free post, right? Like

you weren't, it wasn't like a hard sell nor could you probably do it in the group, but Mmm. What kind of

benefits have you seen from sharing so much value like that?

Bailey ( 20:13 ):

Right. So let me say up front that the benefits were really heavy in the beginning and then eventually did

kind of wane. And the reason why is because one the ClickFunnels group and I, I think it would, it's not

unfair to say this at the time I started posting the click funnels group wasn't great. There was a lot of

spam. There were a lot of people that came there to complain, you know, about their issues with the

software. I love click funnels by the way, I'm a click funnels user. So when I knew, when I started posting

in the group, I knew that I was bringing value to a community that really needed it. If I was coming into a

group that already had tons of value every day, I think it would have been a harder uphill battle, but I

was bringing this, you know, really awesome value to a community that was so thirsty for it.

Bailey ( 21:00 ):

So it was really easy to shine because when there were 30 posts a day and they were all complaints and,

you know, spam, you know, my posts really shine through. So what happened was people started to see

that I was benefiting from it. You know, they would click on my profile, they would join my group. They

would reach out to me in private message. I was able to get clients, sell courses, build my email list even

more. Then people started to mimic what I was doing. And that's a great thing. You know, they started

bringing value to the group as well. And it really did start to turn the group around. So within six months,

maybe less, you know, the group was all of a sudden seeing hundreds of value posts a day from experts

and people wanting to share their knowledge, you know, pitch free, you know, just trying to be

positioned as an expert in there. And so eventually then my posts began to get a little lost right. In the

mix because now, you know, it was one of many value posts and I was getting a little less engagement

and that sort of thing, but that's okay because that's what you do. Right. You come into a community

and make it better. And sometimes ultimately I guess it's to your detriment, but in the end, you know, I

ended up benefiting a lot from that. So so yeah, it was great.

Dallin ( 22:12 ):

I love it. Well. Mmm. What, what do you feel like is next for you? Right. Like you've turned away from

one on one, you're doing a lot more one to many I'm with depth. What are you looking? What more are

you looking to do as far as building lifestyle freedom for yourself?

Bailey ( 22:29 ):

Yeah, so I think actually at this point of my business, I'm just, I'm looking for number one is just scaling

up my revenues. And then number two is building those connections with high level folks that are going

to be able to kind of get me there, you know, teach me next level stuff. And those are kind of the two

main things that I'm looking at. So I would say, you know, for the first several years of my business up to

pretty recently, I wasn't relying upon paid ads whatsoever. All of the growth strategies that I was using

virtual summits is one of them that I'm the most famous for, you know, were, was really based upon

organic growth. So virtual summits posting in the Facebook group, my blog, that sort of thing. So I was

really just getting my brand established and establishing my expertise and working with some folks, you

know, to kind of work up the ladder.

Bailey ( 23:13 ):

And now I'm really looking at, like you said, to take a step back from one-on-one and really put more

emphasis and focus on scaling up those info products, just going to require more paid ad investment,

you know, more perfection of my funnels and offers and that sort of thing, which is really exciting and

fun. Cause that's one of the things I love doing. And then also just continuing to make those high level

connections. And so, you know, I saw personally the benefits that I was able to get from associating with

Russell and, you know, working with him on the summits for click and then getting to speak at his event.

So, you know, looking for more of those opportunities and building those relationships, I think is, is key.

That those are the next things for me. Oh man, I love hearing this because them, like I said, from the get

go, it's inspiring, like you are a great case study, you know, this is a unique question, but it kind of, it's

kind of the reverse of what you often hear.

Bailey ( 24:13 ):

The person 10 years from now that you will be, what will that person tell you today as far as advice or

how to get there or how to, you know, achieve what you want, the person tenure that is kind of a

reverse question because normally, yeah, normally it's, you know, what would I tell myself 10 years ago?

Right. So, Hmm. I think honestly, the person tenure, if I'm able to achieve all my goals and the person

that I am, that I envisioned myself to be in 10 years, we'll probably tell Bailey today. She needs to take a

fricking break. Cause I mean, it's true. It's honestly true. I am a little bit of a workaholic, but that's not

just my business. Didn't make me that way. I've always been like that. Always. It's kind of funny because

right now during this pandemic, my mom is taking this opportunity while she's working from home to

sort through all of our childhood, like photos and memorabilia and stuff.

Bailey ( 25:16 ):

And she said to me the other day, cause I have two siblings and she said out of all, three of you, she said,

Bailey, you have the most stuff like the most awards and the most memorabilia and certificates and

photo, like you were just you. I was always like that. So I think part of it is just, we talk about lifestyle

freedom, but I don't think I'm terribly good at lifestyle balance. So I probably need to get a little bit

better than that with that. And then also just at some point, I still think, honestly, I'm still learning how

to trust myself. So I have been fully 100% self-employed for over six years now, which is yeah. Which is

yeah. Which is really awesome. And so that is really cool, but I still find myself doubting myself

sometimes, you know, that like when this COVID thing happened, right.

Bailey ( 26:10 ):

That's the perfect example. It's okay. What am I what's going to happen? What am I going to do? Like,

you know, or my revenue is dropping and how, you know, what is this looking like? And so I think, you

know, just recognizing that, I just need to trust my own expertise that I've got this. And, and I, you know,

I S I still worry about that sometimes. And I don't need to, there's no reason there's no reason to at this

point, but yeah, I think hopefully in 10 years, that's what I will be saying about myself today, which has

been really that bad, I guess, just take a break every once in a while.

Dallin ( 26:44 ):

And you totally reminded me of, I don't know what I read this post randomly, somewhere on the socials

that you did, where you mentioned how you're done with work for the day, you're gonna go sit down

and read a book, not a business book, but enjoy just probably, you know, an fiction. It's a fiction book of

sorts, but yeah. Anyway, like one is showing you, obviously you're going to take a break, but two, I think

we get so consumed with everything has to be business related. I know I do. I have often or read or

listen to listen to, what's be honest for me, have to do with business where I mean, I remember growing

up, like I loved books growing up. Like I read all the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, like fantasy and

mystery adventure and all that stuff.

Dallin ( 27:32 ):

You get into business and a lot of your education, so to speak is consumed that way. But yeah, the idea

of diversity in what you learn and what you consume, I think fuels inspiration in your business and other

areas of your life. So I, I find that fascinating too, as far as an example of you taking a rest. Yeah. Just

business things.

Bailey ( 27:54 ):

It was probably Sherlock Holmes that I was reading. Cause that is my favorite ice. I have it on my Kindle.

And it's my go to nighttime read because the original Sherlock Holmes are 56 short stories. And so you

can Def you can read one before you go to bed and I love them. I'm addicted to them. I have read them,

I've read the whole series probably at least seven times, but you're, but you make such an excellent

point that, you know, so much of our content consumption, we start to feel has to be educational or


Bailey ( 28:25 ):

You know that, Oh, I should feel guilty for watching this show on Netflix or for reading a book. That's not

a business book or self help book or something, which, which of course is ridiculous because when we

do have that escapism into fiction or whatever it is that you like to do card games or whatever, you

know, it does help our brains relax actually. And it can make us more productive. I saw an interesting

post, not by me, by somebody else on, on, I think Facebook a while ago. And this person was saying how

this isn't just for entrepreneurs. They were kind of talking about our generation about, you know, I'm 32.

So probably our generation of, you know millennials and even some gen Z years is I think younger than

us. We've kind of lost hobbies for free. Like everything has to be monetized these days, you know, it's

like, Oh, you enjoy knitting.

Bailey ( 29:12 ):

You should sell your knee, your scarves, you know? And it's like, well, maybe I just want to knit, you

know, I don't knit, but you know, whoever nets, you know, and I, I do think we've especially

entrepreneurs. We we've lost so much of that because everything feels like, well, if you're doing

something and you're not making money from it, it's a waste of time. Which of course is not true.

Dallin ( 29:33 ):

Wow. I mean, you totally spoke in what I had felt like, so my wife is not entrepreneurial. But anytime she

like brings up a passion interest that I don't have the skill set in. I'm like, Oh, we can monetize it this way.

You're like, I've got all these ideas around it, but then it's like I to always stop myself and be like, well,

one, I'm not going to force her to do anything she doesn't want to do.

Dallin ( 29:58 ):

And, and to you don't have to, like you said, you don't have to monetize every single thing and it's okay

to have hobbies. I don't mean Mmm. And I'm trying, I'm still, I'm trying to learn that, you know, I used to

have more hobbies that were monetized, but now it's like, you get the entrepreneurial bug, but you

always want to be like, Oh, how can I do more? Like how can I reach that next level? Mmm. So I think, I

mean, you know, talk about the 10 year vision, you kind of broke down as far as your future self telling

your today self take a rest, maybe slow down. Some things you just shared were just perfect examples

of ways that we can do that. And kind of, I'm gonna sleep turn off completely because I don't know if

that's possible, at least for me, but to Um so do your best to do so. Yeah.

Bailey ( 30:49 ):

I mean, and you know what, I'm sorry. I, you always get to say, I just had a thought about that too. You

know, I think that the fact that we do feel that we need to monetize everything, at least for me

sometimes, maybe not anymore, but definitely a couple of years ago came from a scarcity mindset, a

financial scarcity mindset, which is, you know, if I'm not using every ounce of my day to be productive

and therefore make money, and then I fail or I have to go back to my nine to five or something, then it

was my fault because I spent too much time knitting, which again is ridiculous. But I do think that's

where it can come from.

Dallin ( 31:23 ):

Oh yeah. Yeah. And that's, and that's a whole another conversation around, like mindset scarcity, well,

Bailey, this has been incredible. Um and if you could, Mmm. In fact, I want to hit on one other question,

if you don't maybe another five minutes. I want to hit on breakdown. So tell us more about what

lifestyle freedom means for you with that being the bike at the core of, of what you desire. What does

that look like for you?

Bailey ( 31:57 ):

Yeah, so I think one of the things that people think about lifestyle freedom is that it means I can do

whatever I want whenever I want. And that is not what lifestyle freedom is. Definitely not for me. At

least. I think that the secret to lifestyle freedom is actually found in a schedule, which is so

counterintuitive, right? Because people think that, well, if you have a schedule, you're beholden to it

and that's not true freedom. And that's not actually true when we, when we don't have a good schedule

for our days and our weeks and our months and our years, we don't use our time effectively. And

therefore we don't end up reaching our full potential. So when I talk about scheduling, I don't

necessarily mean about scheduling every minute, the day.

Bailey ( 32:40 ):

But what I mean is when I look at my year, like I will literally kind of schedule my year in broad strokes,

right. I'll say, okay, well, I know that let's just take this trip. I recently did to New Zealand before this

whole COVID thing happened. I was down there in January and the whole month of February. And so in

2019, I was planning that trip. So I said to myself, well, I know if I want to do this trip and I'm not going

to be working as much whenever I'm down there, because I'm going to be busy, sightseeing and all that

sort of stuff. Then I need this amount of money and I'm going to have to work this much. And I need to

do this many launches. You know, if I'm able to make this happen. So scheduling out my year and saying,

okay, we're going to do a summit launch in April.

Bailey ( 33:23 ):

We're going to do, you know, of course, launch in August, we're going to do this around the holidays. I'm

going to save this amount of money. I'm going to leave for the trip then. And I'm going to, you know, all

of that is scheduled, but it is lifestyle freedom because I'm the one that gets to dictate it. Right. I'm the

one that gets to say, what is and what isn't and what goes and what doesn't a boss or somebody else

doesn't do that. So lifestyle freedom, isn't just waking up every day and not knowing what you're going

to do with your day or not, you know, being free to just putz around the house. Yeah. Okay. Sure. Those

days are fine every once in a while for your day off. But if every day were like that and I've had periods

of my life that have been like that so I know you start to feel really aimless. Like you were addressing

earlier, you know, you don't have that meaning and you're not really working towards something. Right.

And so that's what lifestyle freedom looks like to me is just being able to say, okay, well, I have this goal

for me, it's often travel, you know, I want to go on this trip. What do I need to do to make it happen?

And then being able to arrange the pieces to make it happen, which would be a lot harder if I was

working in a nine to five where I had extra constraints of schedule and time off and the boss and all that

sort of stuff. Right. And so that's, that's truly what it means to me for those people that aren't travelers.

I think you can probably relate to this in a similar way, which is, you know, it's, it's about if you have kids,

for example, you know, you want to be there every day to pick them up from school, but that means

that you're going to have to work from 10 to midnight when they're asleep.

Bailey ( 34:53 ):

Right? You know, so it's about having discipline and scheduling so that you can live your life the way that

you ultimately want to, but it doesn't mean being aimless and doing whatever you want and all the


Dallin ( 35:04 ):

Yeah. Yeah, man. That's so good. I appreciate it. Thanks for sharing that Bailey. Oh, well, let's go to wrap

this up. I appreciate your time. Where can people learn more about the Bailey?

Bailey ( 35:22 ):

Well, thanks for letting me share today. And if anyone wants to learn more about me, they can just head

over to my website at There's a contact form there, or you can also reach out to me

directly via email at

Dallin ( 35:33 ):

Thanks you so much for listening. Once again, if you would like to learn more about how you can use

your unique message to share with the world through video and create videos that actually are

professional and perform bringing you money and all of the results and influence that you want to

make. Then I invite you to learn more by going to Thanks again for listening. And

we'll talk to you very soon.


Dallin Nead

Dallin believes in putting family and God first.

He's the Chief Vision Officer of Content Supply, Advisor to multiple startups, serial entrepreneur and an award-winning producer.

He helps brands create authentic, results-driven media so they can share their message and vision with the world.

He helps brands clarify, create, and communicate their vision for a happier, more meaningful life, business, and community.

He consults with small and large companies including Princess Cruises, U.S. Marine Corp, Teachable and many others.


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