Building A Website

If you’re a business, you’re going to have a website. It’s a necessity for today’s search-engine-driven society. Without a website, you lose a valuable virtual storefront. So there’s a need for websites, no doubt about that. But how have you, as entrepreneurs and small businesses, created a website? We bring this up because the route you’ve chosen in creating a website is more important that you may realize. Besides the differences in the cosmetic side of a website, the way you’ve built the site has an effect on your sales. Yes, you may be losing out on sales just because you built your website differently than others. But it’s not too late.

Building A Website

Beginning businesses take one of two routes in building a website:-Designing their website from the ground up, after spending months learning HTML and designOr-Choosing the easier route by selecting and paying for a template from a website-building service such as WordPress or WixOn the surface, both of these options seem like acceptable ways of building websites. After all, isn’t putting your content on the internet half the battle? Well, yes… and no.The first option, learning how to code, is challenging. It takes months, if not years, to learn everything that goes into building a professional website. On top of learning how to create the site from the ground up, you would also need to learn how to code your website so it helps sell your product or services instead of simply displaying them-not an easy task.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image media="50396" media_width_percent="100" media_ratio="four-three" alignment="center" media_link="|||"][vc_column_text]As for website-template sites, with their plentiful options to choose from, they simply lack the ability to sell. What we mean is this: these sites offer cookie-cutter, worn out, predictable templates meant to serve a variety of purposes. While their adaptability is nice, these services don’t focus on guiding consumers through a purchase. As a small business, the selling portion of a site is vital.So what’s a small business to do?


This is where Clickfunnels come in. If you are unaware or confused about it, Clickfunnels is a site that offers funnels that walk your customers through the entire purchasing process online, just like a salesman does in-person.It’s designed to make life easier for small and large businesses alike. Instead of learning how to code- or worse, paying others to spend time coding for you- entrepreneurs like yourself can simply customize templates of your choosing. For every part of the funnel! In case you didn’t read that last part: you can customize every step of the funnel! Starting with the landing page and ending with check out, every piece can be customized to make the purchase easier. WordPress and Wix can’t do that!(In fact, businesses that left ‘template’ websites for Clickfunnels have increased their business by 540%. More than 5 times more sales.)But the best part about Clickfunnels, and the reason they’re so successful, is because their business is creating websites that sell.It doesn’t matter if you sell products, services, or sell business-to-business, Clickfunnels is designed to make that selling process easier. It’s what they do.

The Numbers

If you’re a person who relies on the facts, take a look at what they’ve done:Clickfunnels has helped 150,000 entrepreneurs, captured 160,000,000 leads for their members, and has helped make their members millions of dollars each year. It’s simple to get started. The process is as simple as picking out a template for each part of the selling process, customizing it to fit your brand, and paying a monthly fee. If you’re not one to jump in with both feet, try testing the water by dipping your toe in. Clickfunnels offers a 14-day free trial for everyone.

Online Storefront

Back to our point in the beginning: your website is your online storefront. If your website doesn’t look good online or on mobile, you can kiss half of your sales goodbye. Coding for mobile can be tricky, and many website-template businesses require extra payment.Fortunately, Clickfunnels is set up in such a way that every funnel works on mobile too, so customers can keep on shopping via their smartphones, tablets, iPads, etc. So have fun exploring the new option of Clickfunnels! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave a comment or message Clickfunnels directly.